Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Own a piece of the internet

Taking Back the Internet

Average Joe takes on internet mega-companies

People are tired of having the mega-corporations dictate what ads they will see, and what emails they will get

Seattle, WA (PRWEB) July 20, 2007 -- Psst! Wanna own a huge and profitable website for free? How about owning many large websites with tremendous earnings potential? Is that possible? It just may be. "And how much will that cost me," you may ask? Zero…zip…nada. It's also totally free.

Take the Internet Back (www.taketheinternetback.com) has developed a novel concept in internet marketing. Instead of a company first setting up shop, and then getting customers - they have decided to put together the customers first, and then set up shop. With almost 100,000 member/owners, they now offer optin email advertising to anyone who pays the prevailing rate. And the funds that come in are used to purchase other websites. Websites that the member/owners will also own and profit from.

"People are tired of having the mega-corporations dictate what ads they will see, and what emails they will get," said Conrad Addison, one of the founding partners of this unique website. "They want to control what they view - and earn a few dollars in the process. They also want ownership and future earnings potential. With our program, they can have it all and much more."

Members join for free and even get $10 for the effort. Funds are disbursed with 45% going to the "War Chest" to purchase other websites, 45% going to the members payable in commissions, and 10% going to the ownership for administrative purposes.

"We want to keep building," Conrad continued. "This program gives the little guy a chance to own a piece of the BIG pie and at absolutely no expense to them. It virtually eliminates any risk on their part, and gives them a chance to be part of the bigger picture…totally free."

"Yes, it's quite that simple," Conrad added. "Instead of charging people, we charge advertisers. Those funds are then disbursed (in part) to members, with the rest going into a 'War Chest' for future acquisitions. We are currently looking into about 11 offers, but are being very selective. Our ultimate goal is to develop a huge company entirely owned by its' members. We keep just 10% plus admin expenses, and that is all. The rest goes towards company growth and development as well as commissions to the members."

Perhaps there is some hope for the "little guy" trying to make a buck on the internet.

This is an article from prweb.com I did not write it.

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